Bill Schofield: Sparrowhawk male
Mary Bomford: Scarlet Robin (Petroica boodang) DSC_1642a
Bill Schofield: Sparrowhawk male
mjw1964: Sparrowhawk with Starling.
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Firecrest - Regulus ignicapillus
Dani (Atrus): Ardilla Roja
nomoredarkroom: Great Horned Owl
wildshotsbyclive: Bullfinch,UK. © • Zwei Paare •
Barry & Carole Bowden: Gannet (Carole's)
Riaz . khan: Indian Magpie Robin
nick Stacey: Woodpigeon
KHR Images: Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary (series, 5 more in the comments)
Turk Images: Swift Fox
Andy Morffew: Caracara Courtship Display
M Z Malik: KING OF THE JUNGLE (Panthera leo)....NAIROBI NAT.PARK......OCT 2013
David Fyles: Greylag Goose_Anser anser_0017
David Fyles: Whooper Swan_cygnus cygnus_0066
David Fyles: Whooper Swan_cygnus cygnus_0064
David Fyles: Whooper Swan_cygnus cygnus_0067
David Fyles: Whooper Swan_cygnus cygnus_0063
Steve_Herring: DSCF9051 Frog
cwnlsl: Skimmer
ruth eastwood: yellowhammer