oracle0017: Homeless - Albuquerque, New Mexico
oracle0017: Homeless to homeless Conversation
oracle0017: Homeless
oracle0017: Homeless
oracle0017: Homeless Veteran
oracle0017: Homeless
oracle0017: Can you spare some change?
oracle0017: Can you spare some change sir?
oracle0017: You with the sad eyes
oracle0017: Old Man
oracle0017: Keith
oracle0017: One of the locals
oracle0017: Robert
oracle0017: Santa Fe
oracle0017: Robert
oracle0017: Robert
oracle0017: Just passing through officers
oracle0017: Weary eyes.
oracle0017: And they said leprechaun's weren't real?!
oracle0017: Passing through Santa Fe.
oracle0017: Robert
oracle0017: A house of my own
oracle0017: Ortega's