Carolyn Hall Young: 1985 Was a Very Good Year - Self Portrait 2015/04/18
Carolyn Hall Young: There Is Strength In Her Beauty: Teresa Lamas Serra 2015/10/05
Carolyn Hall Young: Fantasy in Coopland: Brendan Cooper 2015/12/18
Carolyn Hall Young: Moving Through: Douglas Paul Ambort 2015/12/20
Carolyn Hall Young: You Could Say I'm a Dreamer: Claude Panneton 2015/12/04
Carolyn Hall Young: The Artist and the Muse: Stefania Pecchioli 2015/10/06
里卡豆: 奇美博物館|CHIMEI Museum
mammothSloth: portrait
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Mathieu.L: Courant océanique
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Kerstin Frank art: Still life