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Me Again Monday by Tina M89
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Tina M89
One of the greatest treasures you have to give is your heart...
Tina M89
Me and my clothes line...
Tina M89
Season follows season...
Tina M89
As the door closes on one generation it opens on another...
Tina M89
The simple pleasures in life...
Tina M89
I will give with the life that I've been given...
Tina M89
Blowing you a kiss goodbye :-)
Tina M89
Tina M89
Endless love...
Tina M89
Oh winter, winter where art thou...
Tina M89
~ A New Year ~
Tina M89
Jesus HOPE of the world...
Tina M89
~ A Penny For Your Thoughts ~
Tina M89
~ Perspective ~
Tina M89
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven"
Tina M89
~ Happy Thanksgiving ~
Tina M89
Your Great Name ~ Natalie Grant
Tina M89
~ Peace ~
Tina M89
When one door closes...
Tina M89
~ Eyes...the window to the soul ~
Tina M89
~ Meet Siobhan ~
Tina M89
~ Promise ~
Tina M89
~ Distance ~
Tina M89
~ Motion ~
Tina M89
I'm not...alone
Tina M89
~ Grace Like Rain ~
Tina M89
Learning to hang onto what is mine and let go of what isn’t…
Tina M89
“Lord, let me live until I die.” ~ Will Rogers
Tina M89
Leaving the country for the Big Apple...
Tina M89
Christ "IN" me...