Tina M89: Wanna COKE!
Tina M89: Goodbye Vennus...
Tina M89: Glowing in the evening light...
Tina M89: Beautiful moments...
Tina M89: Clementine...a special cat & friend who will be greatly missed.
Tina M89: My son and his beautiful bride.
Tina M89: Meet Henrietta and Junior
Tina M89: Spring on the Boardwalk.
Tina M89: The Boardwalk
Tina M89: The pier at sunrise on Cocoa Beach
Tina M89: People walking the beach
Tina M89: Sunrise on Cocoa Beach
Tina M89: Beads on a fence.
Tina M89: Spring time frost.
Tina M89: Winter's Still Hanging on...
Tina M89: Winter's Grip
Tina M89: Strength...
Tina M89: Snow Glitter
Tina M89: A light shining in the darkness...
Tina M89: Cat on a fence...
Tina M89: Frozen Bubbles...
Tina M89: Chilly, frosty mornings...
Tina M89: A double fence friday.
Tina M89: Delicious!
Tina M89: Frozen in time...
Tina M89: Cedar Waxwings
Tina M89: Fun in the snow...
Tina M89: The Softly Falling Snow...
Tina M89: The Boardwalk at Sunset
Tina M89: The Boardwalk