86and99: Piney
86and99: Peeling
86and99: Cracked
86and99: Punch Bug
86and99: SprungBrknArtsyStuff2010 152
86and99: Chair Still Life
86and99: Squawk!
86and99: but respect their personal space!
86and99: Seeing Spots
86and99: The Prestige
86and99: Jesus the Adorable
86and99: Hoot.
86and99: Gestures
86and99: Kelsey
86and99: Engine--Work in Progress
86and99: Party on Down
86and99: Taking a Tumble
86and99: Through the Door
86and99: Happy's!
86and99: Gestures
86and99: Disco Disco Duck
86and99: Paper bags
86and99: Can Opener Hug
86and99: Smudgy Still Life
86and99: Red Skirt
86and99: A Few Wrinkles in Time
86and99: Chandelier
86and99: Lights and Locket
86and99: loving would be so easy if your colors were like my dreams...blue gold and green
86and99: As Cold as Ice