LOKIOLR: Joshua and Mom 8/4
LOKIOLR: Joshua and Mom 8/4
LOKIOLR: Joshua yawning
LOKIOLR: Joshua and Dad
LOKIOLR: Joshua and Dad
LOKIOLR: Sleeping
LOKIOLR: Sleeping
LOKIOLR: Sleeping
LOKIOLR: Baby & Mom
LOKIOLR: Baby & Mom
LOKIOLR: Annie holding Joshua
LOKIOLR: Joshua meets Oliver
LOKIOLR: Christopher holding Josh
LOKIOLR: Josh the DJ (hearing test)
LOKIOLR: Hearing test
LOKIOLR: hearing test
LOKIOLR: hearing test
LOKIOLR: Josh and Grandma Raisa
LOKIOLR: Laying in crib at hospital
LOKIOLR: Josh and Grandma Raisa
LOKIOLR: Josh and Aunt Heather
LOKIOLR: Josh and Grandpa Eduard
LOKIOLR: Joshua just born
LOKIOLR: Joshua just born
LOKIOLR: Joshua and Dad
LOKIOLR: Joshua just born
LOKIOLR: Getting some furniture in the room
LOKIOLR: Finished baby room in daylight.
LOKIOLR: Finished mural looking at doorway
LOKIOLR: Finished mural looking at doorway #2