sarah.sappington: Warming up after the game with some snuggling and coffee! I LOVE MY SISTERS :)
sarah.sappington: My siso cooks some weird stuff but it looks pretty!
sarah.sappington: There's a monster in my kitchen!!!
sarah.sappington: Sometimes you do.
sarah.sappington: My sister takes good care of me!
sarah.sappington: Pweees play with me says Mr. T!!
sarah.sappington: Here goes nothin!!
sarah.sappington: We are NOT friends.
sarah.sappington: Indy beers :)
sarah.sappington: This mean thing was staring at me when I got home :o/
sarah.sappington: Why is it the box I need is always on the bottom?
sarah.sappington: Sweats wine and a romance movie! Ahhhh
sarah.sappington: Today's mission...clean that dang deak!
sarah.sappington: Was not expecting to see this again this morning!
sarah.sappington: Mmmmmhmmmmmm
sarah.sappington: Love this kid!
sarah.sappington: Bingo anyone?
sarah.sappington: Nope haven't missed this :)
sarah.sappington: We sure do live in a beautiful city!
sarah.sappington: Moving day....poopie pants!
sarah.sappington: Somebody knows I've had a long week :) its nice to get secret notes once in a while!!
sarah.sappington: Will miss this old house, she's been a good one!
sarah.sappington: There's a monster in my coffee!!!
sarah.sappington: I must admit I have missed this cuddle monster!
sarah.sappington: Starting the day off right!
sarah.sappington: I could get used to a pool!