Curry15: Ceiling by Giulio Taldini. The Marble Hall, Hatfield House
Curry15: The Rainbow Portrait
Curry15: Hatfield House West Front
Curry15: I Camisa and Son
Curry15: Postcard Teas Dering Street
Curry15: The Tulip Stairs: Queen's House
Curry15: A Bowl of Cherries
Curry15: Spiral Stair from the Members' Room
Curry15: Robert Doisneau - Paris en Liberté 2006
Curry15: Robert Doisneau - Paris en Liberté 2006
Curry15: Memorial to the Bell Makers of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry
Curry15: Whitechapel Bell Foundry
Curry15: The Whitechapel Bell Foundry: Fieldgate Street
Curry15: The Whitechapel Bell Foundry
Curry15: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine: Keppel Street
Curry15: Garrick's Temple To Shakespeare: Hampton Riverside
Curry15: Palladian Bridge: Prior Park Landscape Garden
Curry15: Palladian Bridge & Prior Park
Curry15: Palladian Bridge: Prior Park Landscape Garden
Curry15: The Gate House: Ham Common
Curry15: Cottage Garden with Apple Tree: Mansfield Place
Curry15: Duck Island Cottage: St. James's Park
Curry15: Lavender & Bench: The Walled Garden at Sunbury
Curry15: Mayfield Lavender: Woodmansterne
Curry15: The Great Staircase: Osterley Park House
Curry15: Royal Academy Stair: Somerset House
Curry15: The Tulip Stairs: Queen's House
Curry15: The 'Tulip' Stairs: Inigo Jones
Curry15: Tulip Stairs: Queen's House
Curry15: Spiral Stair: Worcester College