rnetges: Engravings, engravings everywhere
rnetges: Lots can be learned about their life style if you just look for a few minutes
rnetges: This is the ball game player.. note the similarities w/ a hockey outfit... could Canadians have descented from Mayans???
rnetges: Hasta la vista Mexico!!!
rnetges: I didn't know where to look - the turquoise sea or the mayan ruins!
rnetges: Some buildings were signed by their architects, leaving a perpetual hand mark
rnetges: Feeling like Indiana Jones here...
rnetges: The round dome leaves no doubt: a sacred building, to gaze at the heavens!
rnetges: Ancient carvings, a mythical figure
rnetges: Our guides were really knowledgable, from Maya descent
rnetges: A discovery at every turn!
rnetges: Little guy on top of an ancient surveyor's mark
rnetges: Crumbling stairs to another monument
rnetges: The same temple used for sacrifices also depicted a baby coming out of the stones... apparently this was a 'circle of life' thing.
rnetges: DSC_8759
rnetges: The human figure was an altar for human sacrifice... creepy..
rnetges: The jaguar and the sacred circle
rnetges: Whatever you do, don't lose that game!
rnetges: Ruins of Tulum
rnetges: Tulum and the Caribbean sea
rnetges: A mayan native poses for a picture...
rnetges: Mayans liked ball games, similar to a basketball net...
rnetges: Serpent head "eating the pyramid", view from the stadium
rnetges: An altar to the jaguar god
rnetges: Human sacrifice anyone?