qgrainne: Floating on glass
janruhen: Curved Leaf Kunzia
wildphotos4u: Sunbird - © 2013 Sandy Carroll
rubenfotografia79: " Sin salida "
Amrou A: Soldier's Portrait-White throated kingfisher
conwest_john: the perils of reading
Imagevixen1: Canna Lili
Ted Corvedo: Syrphe
Barbara J H: Calliandra Flower-7310
liipgloss: My fallen place
Lamson/Ng: night of the shooting stars
tarasutherland: Roboastra luteolineata on kelp
adefrandiap: mbah jenggot
Etwin1: Weevil and Ant sharing a meal.
https://jameswatkins.smugmug.com/JAME: Arches Moonrise Fantasy
Pilbara Rat: Pilbara Storm Front
Troup1: IMG_8017 (1) weevil
Frank.Vassen: Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko, Nosy Mangabe, Madagascar
a777thunder (Thanks for your support): Helen Springs Station Muster by Hans Boessem of Alice Springs
di on the wallaby: Marching along...
Thomas Shahan: Female Striped Horse Fly (Tabanus lineola)
Shek Graham: Rain Shower on Island
hawkgenes: Lanner falcon hunting
NigelDurrant: Running for Life
Lumatic: Red Rocks - Canadian Badlands
WilbaAtFlickr: Pretty in Pink Peacock Jumping Spider
joel and a camera: Starry Night