Janice E Hassack:
Momordica charantia
Janice E Hassack:
Pittosporum rubiginosum
Janice E Hassack:
Corymbia ficifolia-Red Flowering Gum
Janice E Hassack:
Prasophyllum elatum-Tall Leek Orchid
Janice E Hassack:
Prasophyllum elatum-Tall Leek Orchid
Janice E Hassack:
Agrostocrinum scabrum-False Blind Grass
Janice E Hassack:
Anigozanthos pulcherrimus-Yellow Kangaroo Paw
Janice E Hassack:
Anigozanthos pulcherrimus-Yellow Kangaroo Paw
Janice E Hassack:
Scaevola striata
Janice E Hassack:
Briza maxima-Blowfly Grass
Janice E Hassack:
Callistomen spp-Bottlebrush
Janice E Hassack:
Grevillea with Native Honey Bee (Trigona or Austroplebia spp)
Janice E Hassack:
Torch Ginger-Tapeinocheilos ananassae
Janice E Hassack:
Wanted: Single White Mushroom
Janice E Hassack:
Just Standing Around
Janice E Hassack:
Thick and Fleshy Mushroom
Janice E Hassack:
Red and Yellow Mushroom
Janice E Hassack:
Yellow Houseplant Mushroom?
Janice E Hassack:
Swainsona formosa-Sturts Desert Pea
Janice E Hassack:
Elephant Yam - Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
Janice E Hassack:
Royal Mulla Mulla - Ptilotus rotundifolius
Janice E Hassack:
Tall Mulla Mulla - Ptilotus exaltatus
Janice E Hassack:
Tall Mulla Mulla - Ptilotus exaltatus
Janice E Hassack:
Sturt's Desert Pea - Swainsona formosa
Janice E Hassack:
Centaury - Centaurium spicatum
Janice E Hassack:
Lavender Leaves
Janice E Hassack:
Mulberry Fruit
Janice E Hassack:
Melaluca huegelii - Chenille Honeymyrtle
Janice E Hassack:
Melaluca huegelii - Chenille Honeymyrtle
Janice E Hassack:
Eucalyptus erythrocorys - Illyarrie - Red-capped gum