Bontes: Attaque de chèvre
Bontes: Marguerites psychédéliques
Bontes: Joubarbe des Alpes
Bontes: Alpine Ibex
Bontes: Troupeau de vaches
Bontes: Isard
Tony Shertila: All Mine
Tony Shertila: Mother and child
bertrand kulik: Little dinosaur
Dr. Alexey Yakovlev: Platylomia flavida (Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Dundubiini)
Eric Gofreed: Ladder-backed woodpecker - female
Philip Schofield: NZ9_3884 Red Kite
Crazybittern1: Red Squirrel.
hughaber: Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) & Dagger Fly (Empis tessellata) 2020-05-14. Parc Slip, Aberkenfig, South Wales
Eric Gofreed: Quarrelsome
marie1179: Ceratophysella sp.
marie1179: Ceratophysella sp.
Jurgen Otto: _D5A0954-Edit
Philip Schofield: D55_5474 Jay
bertrand kulik: Reverse Mode, Water light
ggallice: Tailless whip scorpion
ggallice: Giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis)
ggallice: Giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis)
ggallice: Skipper (Gorgopas trochilus)
ggallice: Metalmark butterfly (Lyropteryx apollonia)
ggallice: Weevil with entomopathogenic fungus
ggallice: Army ants (Eciton sp.)
ggallice: Puddling swallowtails
ggallice: Puddling sulphur butterflies
ggallice: Eighty-eight butterfly (Diaethria neglecta)