*labaronesa*: Orange Love
keri: a man after my own heart.
shannonblue: pink lemonade
Kathy Carey: day 115/4.25.10
sandra.lundy: "What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now."
kreyzie: White rose
****JJ****: Tulips
yozza: Red Rose
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Rose in Parliament Grounds
I'm OK Jack: A burst of Sunshine this morning...
RuffLife: Bamboo Stalks [2]
provincijalka: reflections [disposables #7]
provincijalka: swept away [disposables #10]
provincijalka: speed of spring [disposables #11]
provincijalka: sunscreen [disposables #15]
andertho: Metro #291
velky_jojko: yellow vs green
fraley_tera: "There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said, though some days I'm louder about other stuff so it's easy to miss that." ~Story People
Lela L.: Butterfly
Leslie R Adams: Kansas sky
himitsuhana: I DO have a heart.
Visualocity Images: Poppies my pretty
Lisa WrightStuff: bleeding heart