aviemoron: loch a'an 3-1
aviemoron: loch a'an 4-1
aviemoron: loch a'an 7-1
aviemoron: sandy dh nevis range-1
aviemoron: ferg dh nevis range-1
aviemoron: ferg les arcs-1
aviemoron: sandy lower lairig-1
aviemoron: ferg biking snow-1
aviemoron: boys fire-1
aviemoron: sunrise lairig ghru-1
aviemoron: june loch aan-1
aviemoron: boys dh farm-2
aviemoron: boys dh farm-1
aviemoron: lake como-3
aviemoron: lake como-4
aviemoron: lake como-2
aviemoron: boys h burnside-1
aviemoron: lake como-1
aviemoron: boys h burnside-2
aviemoron: Jamie CGorm 2-1
aviemoron: circus-1
aviemoron: First twilight paid gig.
aviemoron: Nearly the end of the ski season here, but still some fun to be had. N°1 son popping off a little kicker. OMD em-1 and the Pany 7-14, sb800 camera left 1/16 power, 1/500s (!) held as far away as the OCF cord would allow!
aviemoron: Late evening MTB ride with the boy. OMD em-1, Pany 7-14, sb800 hand held stretched out to camera left to limit of Canon OCF cord, 1/16 power, f5.6 and 1/320! I've actually had it syncing at 1/500 using the OCF cord.
aviemoron: jamie lochan2
aviemoron: ferg biking sep 2014
aviemoron: nash singletrack green
aviemoron: Sb900 1/4 power rear (in shot) 1 x sb800 1/8 power under rider under camera, 1 x sb800 1/2 power off to camera left all fired via PW mini / flex / Plus III combo.
aviemoron: Local rider Nash Masson hitting up a wee hip jump near Aviemore Scotland.
aviemoron: family randoms may 2014