marc-antonesen: Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis
marc-antonesen: Ant drinking off a waterdrop
marc-antonesen: purple flower
marc-antonesen: Dragonfly
marc-antonesen: Pallanza sunset
marc-antonesen: ladybird beetle
marc-antonesen: Cannobio
marc-antonesen: flowers on the wall
marc-antonesen: view to Maccagno
marc-antonesen: Cannobio port by night
marc-antonesen: Agarve GL
marc-antonesen: Lago Maggiore Sunset
marc-antonesen: Old Elevator
marc-antonesen: Holocaust memorial
marc-antonesen: Potsdamer Platz
marc-antonesen: New Berlin wall
marc-antonesen: Mainstation Berlin
marc-antonesen: Bundestag
marc-antonesen: Warschauerstraße
marc-antonesen: Bundestag Berlin
marc-antonesen: Sunset over Bali from Lombok
marc-antonesen: Sunset over Bali from Lombok
marc-antonesen: Rice plantation Bali
marc-antonesen: Butterfly at the zoo of singapore
marc-antonesen: Monkey in mangrove on Rinca
marc-antonesen: the Komodo lizard
marc-antonesen: Rinca Island
marc-antonesen: Killed by Komodo lizard