friskierisky: Yes but l did washing up!
d vintage: Busy bees
andymag: Uluru Texture
Eric Lafforgue: Iran, Hormozgan, Minab, a bandari woman wearing a traditional mask called the burqa at panjshambe bazar thursday market
Manzari: Skyline, 1986
gregorywass: Chicago, 1988
gregorywass: Chicago, 1988 Bread Toasts
Diablo Azul: Strip Mine Panorama
SkyTruth: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - FSU Sampling Cruise - June 22, 2010
SkyTruth: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - FSU Sampling Cruise - June 22, 2010
Script & Seal: The worst oil spills in history
andymag: IMG_6313
chemania: IMG_9979
chemania: IMG_9988
evanforester: Microphone
TVZ Design: microphone
M. Keefe: Microphone
♥ Unlimited: S o u n d s
Aeternitas.: Class of Wistaria Tea House
Aeternitas.: Class of Wistaria Tea House
Aeternitas.: Class of Wistaria Tea House
Christopher.Michel: Samovar Tea House
Michael.Camilleri: Tea Kung Fu
ecodallaluna: Traditional tea ceremony
HO JJ: Tea Ceremony
childishToy*: Temple
Mabry Campbell: Liquid Light