turntable00000: details of bokeh
Katelyn Maire: White sands!!!
turntable00000: under the stage
turntable00000: juniperus chinensis - びゃくしん
turntable00000: lycoris - ひがんばな
victorgironarias: Long Exposure
turntable00000: red clover - あかつめくさ
victorgironarias: DSC_0091-1
turntable00000: orange - みかん
turntable00000: tower of chain - 鎖の塔
turntable00000: hollyhock - たちあおい
turntable00000: lacecap hydrangea - がくあじさい
turntable00000: one-stroke sketch - 一筆書き
victorgironarias: DSC_02454v2
turntable00000: sky in the mirror
turntable00000: drinking fountain
turntable00000: hydrangea - あじさい
turntable00000: mallow - ぜにあおい
turntable00000: pineapple - 鳳梨
turntable00000: hawk's beard - たびらこ
turntable00000: row of trees - 並木
turntable00000: turf of the window - 窓の芝
turntable00000: dandelion - たんぽぽ
turntable00000: yeddo hawthorn - しゃりんばい
turntable00000: oxalis - かたばみ