Kelley Brooks: It's not everyday you get a special delivery from Germany. My sweet friend Kerstin who moved back home to Germany made June this amazing quilt. Feeling so grateful- it's lovely.
Kelley Brooks: Bunting hoop art
Kelley Brooks: Bunting hoop art
Kelley Brooks: For Eloise Jane
Kelley Brooks: For Eloise Jane
Kelley Brooks: For a friend. "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, that sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all." -Dickinson
Kelley Brooks: Made a little something for a friend on my heart. But now, thanks to the snarky @shanleytulip, all I see is a PSA to encourage those ladies of the night to get to PE class. And now I can't NOT see it.
Kelley Brooks: Wanna Swap?
Kelley Brooks: Nursery art* made for a crafty friend for her sweet babe who just so happened to be born on MLK day. (*I feel like I can use the word "art" more freely when it follows the word "nursery." Ha.)
Kelley Brooks: I love these girls.
Kelley Brooks: 5 months and change. All smiles after waking up 4 times last night. Wish I could bottle her energy. Love this little stinker!
Kelley Brooks: Christmas crafting. Kinda makes me wish a was a little girl again.
Kelley Brooks: Confused ninja baby. By Macy, of course (always assume.)
Kelley Brooks: You Are My Sunshine
Kelley Brooks: You Are My Sunshine
Kelley Brooks: Little Folks Quilt
Kelley Brooks: Little Folks Quilt
Kelley Brooks: Back of Little Folks Quilt
Kelley Brooks: Pinterest Inspired Wall Hanging
Kelley Brooks: Wall Hanging
Kelley Brooks: Hope Wall Hanging
Kelley Brooks: Wall Hanging
Kelley Brooks: Snapshots of a Good Dog
Kelley Brooks: This orange and grey quick baby blanket ended up looking like I was trying to channel my inner Halloween. Oh well. Need quilting suggestions!
Kelley Brooks: Ordered her Alice Halloween costume online. Small=extra large I guess. Good thing long= fancy in her mind, because I can't be bothered to hem it.
Kelley Brooks: Fun mail day courtesy of Melinda (quirky granola girl.) love it. :)
Kelley Brooks: Landon's Quilt
Kelley Brooks: Wish You Were Here Quilt
Kelley Brooks: Bedtime storytime is a little bit more crowded these days...