klaweb52: Sonnenuntergang Jammerbucht (Dänemark)
Timelesslee1: Cresswell Aurora pan
flindersan: Winter fog
Bruce_Hood: Anthem
nurdug2010: Norðurljós/Northern lights/Aurora borealis
mark_mullen: Dubrovnik Sunset - Explored 23/05/13
mat56.: nebbiose sfumature
andrewgoug: Ionian sea
tara.bowen: Out to sea
elmofoto: p e r s i s t | lofoten, norway
karinavera: Hope Street
jpstanley: Flame and Horsehead
Bertha E.: Photographer
alonsodr: Setting the sun
mkgrillo: Loon Lake, Adirondacks, NY
Luca Urdan [Utambu]: Aleggiare - Hover
M i k e Y: There is always tomorrow
harryja: colors