D. Garding: Life is hard when meal time is over
D. Garding: Just Happy
D. Garding: Big Yawn
D. Garding: First Real Meal
D. Garding: Kicking Back in the Bumbo Throne
D. Garding: Watching the Dog
D. Garding: Dog's are funny!
D. Garding: Ready for Adventure!
D. Garding: Bundled and Sleeping 3
D. Garding: Bundled and Sleeping 2
D. Garding: Grandma & Grandpa
D. Garding: My Wife and New Baby!
D. Garding: Kendra & Ben at the Park
D. Garding: Kendra & Ben
D. Garding: Munching on an Easter Peep
D. Garding: Ben's First Birthday
D. Garding: Mini Oceanographer
D. Garding: Banana Boy
D. Garding: Loving the Swing
D. Garding: His Friend the Dishwasher
D. Garding: One Precious Egg
D. Garding: The Joy of Easter