Carlos E. Hermosilla: Ophrys passionis Andrena carbonaria pseudocopulation
Anguskirk: The beautiful wildflower meadow at Great Dixter, the home of the famous gardener Christopher Lloyd
siebensprung: Red and Blue
favmark1: How many! Pyramidal's at Plunford Meadow
F. Aichinger: Hummel-Ragwurz (Ophrys holoserica)
bulbo1: Gymnadenia veld
favmark1: Cliff-top Lizard Orchids - Himantoglossum hircinum
meizzwang: super pink x HCW F
Azais Cedric 'Napp': Flava var. ornata giant
Beautytube: Sarracenia flava
joeym713: 20210115_133920
albidibi: IMG_20150703_182334
albidibi: IMG_20160409_165646
meizzwang: S. leucophylla Hurricane creek white Baldwin Co, AL
Andrea Amici: Me and huge Sarracenia purpurea!
Andrea Amici: Sarracenia leucophylla L107
estitabarnak: Moth on Drosophyllum
Andrea Amici: Sarracenia leucophylla var. alba "L128"
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Endromid Moth Caterpillar (Oberthueria sp., Endromidae)
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Skipper Caterpillars, Pyrrhopyge sp., Hesperiidae under shelter
ggallice: Bullhorn acacia, Fabaceae, Acacia cornigera, Santa Rosa National Park
ggallice: Cloud forest
ggallice: Dead Lakes
ggallice: Cloud forest canopy
ggallice: Orchid (Pachiphyllum pectinatum)
slapcin: Papustyla pulcherrima, Manus Island, Papua New Guinea
ggallice: Dry forest bloom
ggallice: Sundew
ggallice: Masked trogon (Trogon personatus)
ggallice: Rainforest giant