GavPics: Can you smell it?
GavPics: Leaf saw
GavPics: (Call the dermatologist)
GavPics: Just one more step...
GavPics: Kinda purpley
GavPics: Pickwick Mill - Pickwick, MN
GavPics: Blades of Glory
GavPics: Hey bud... what's up?
GavPics: brb... going to get my kayak
GavPics: My glass is half full
GavPics: Wish I could go outside... (sniff)
GavPics: Across the cornfield
GavPics: Wacky bridge
GavPics: Feelin squirrely
GavPics: Hanging on for dear life
GavPics: What's up, dock?
GavPics: The road less traveled
GavPics: A little moonshine
GavPics: Dare to be different
GavPics: Natural Ice sculpting
GavPics: In someone else's shadow
GavPics: Bluejay, baby
GavPics: It's a big world out there
GavPics: Iridescent little bugger
GavPics: 2 horse buggy
GavPics: Mulberry - up close and personal
GavPics: Warm sand is the best!
GavPics: More sun! It's not melting!
GavPics: Can I go swimming... please?
GavPics: I could sit here all day!