the cheshire smile: Day 148 - bare
the cheshire smile: field of zinnias
the cheshire smile: Day 181 - "Even castles in the sky can do with a fresh coat of paint."
"Anwaar: knowledge must be shared
lllllll7: Siroinas
lllllll7: Sira
lllllll7: Siroinas
lllllll7: Sira
lahorazul: Sira
lahorazul: Sira
Chip bông♥: Nothing last forever
Chip bông♥: You wanna LOVE???
lllllll7: Sandy
lllllll7: Sandy
the cheshire smile: Day 87 - Leaning out as far as she can, hoping she'll fall soon, so she can stop worrying about whether it will happen or not.
the cheshire smile: Day 105 - wears long, floaty stuff so she doesn't forget that she's really only connected to the earth by the very tips of her toes
the cheshire smile: would you like some macbook-eh with that?
the cheshire smile: Day 224 - this i will miss
the cheshire smile: Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
the cheshire smile: lazy morning
the cheshire smile: You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.
the cheshire smile: morning smells
the cheshire smile: "Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life."
the cheshire smile: Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.
the cheshire smile: The only thing that keeps me together some days is an unwavering belief in balance, he said. I try to eat a big breakfast, too.