jameel riaz: Star trails photography done on 6-9-18 night along with Karthi Thangaiah and other friends. This is 131 frames stacked. F2.8, 30sec, ISO 1600 @ 11mm. Nikon D500 + Tokina 11 - 20mm.
RAYEES RAHMAN: Crested hawk eagle
RAYEES RAHMAN: The Love story
RAYEES RAHMAN: Common kestrel dual tone
RAYEES RAHMAN: Greater flamingo adult
RAYEES RAHMAN: Greater flamingo
jameel riaz: DSC_8435
jameel riaz: DSC_8369
jameel riaz: DSC_8462
jameel riaz: DSC_8454
jameel riaz: DSC_8443
jameel riaz: DSC_5641
jameel riaz: DSC_5643
jameel riaz: DSC_5642
jameel riaz: DSC_5638
jameel riaz: DSC_5675
jameel riaz: DSC_5517
jameel riaz: DSC_5673
Thomas Shahan: Habronattus pugillis female - Arizona
Thomas Shahan: Phidippus audax - Male - Oklahoma
m. geven: Common Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
m. geven: Common Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
m. geven: Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca)
m. geven: Blue-headed wagtail (Motacilla flava)
m. geven: Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
The 10 cent designer: In the Studio with Maya Gohill
hkvam: prevailing
lomokev: Sandy Beach Refection
ZespiraL: From the Maïdo
antony satheesh: Full Moon