Sara Su: 愛我,好不好 Love is all I need. #love #need #lady #life #beauty #makeup #eyeline #lip #alone
Sara Su: 額頭重見光明, 眉毛出來見客, 爽快, #素顏 #taiwan #taipei #lady #girls #life #skin #pure #beauty #comfortable #eyebrow #pajama #selfie #lazy
Sara Su: Happy Birthday my friends, wish you all good #babe18 #club #birthday #friendship #young #nightlife #taipei #fashion #fashionstyle #girls #ladysnight #life #koreastyle #redlips #happy
Sara Su: #HongKong #airport #rimowa #suitcase #fashion #fashionstyle go shopping #Zara #trip #travel #allstar #converse #handm
Sara Su: #selfie #swensens #restaurant #friend #dinner #icecream #strawberry #sweet #cute #hat #lady #girls #life #love #beauty #fashion #fashionstyle #koreastyle #taipei
Sara Su: 受過幾次欺騙,對謊言所造成的傷害並沒有降低。 依然不學乖的,要相信愛情? #taipei #lady #love #life #beauty #makeup #fashion #fashionstyle #koreastyle #lip #redlips #hot #banghair #style #stylenanda #f21
Sara Su: Cheers babe! #fridaynight #margarita #cute #nail #missu #longdistance #girls #lady #life #love #taipei #newyork
Sara Su: 三年過去了,我看起來還是一樣嗎? #photo #photograph #photography ##night #girls #lady #taipei #Zhongshanstation #taiwan
Sara Su: 好煩好累關於這一切,難道我上輩子真的做很多壞事,這輩子要這樣來還還沒還完?
Sara Su: #技固帕 #串燒酒家 東西真的好好吃,強力推薦跟朋友來,兩人即可成行 #yummy #wine #delicious #beer
Sara Su: 除了新秘我根本還可以身兼攝影師 #多才多藝 #有天份 #好優秀 #excellent #gift #bride #wedding #weddingplanner #weddingdress #photography #photographer #beauty #beautiful #lady #work #life #love #taipei #makeup #hairstyle
Sara Su: 刮痧完之通體舒暢 #Sunshine #summer #girls #lady #life #love #sunglasses #h&m #style #stylenanda #fashion #fashionstyle #koreastyle
thomas@flickr: Have a good day, good music,good coffee and a good notebook!
Sara Su: 揮之不去你可愛的模樣,what a nightmare 真糟糕 #天使臉孔魔鬼的心 #kid #child #children #mymrdarcy #mrdarcy #angel #evil #devil
Sara Su: #saturdaynite #barcode #moet #moetrose #champagne #friends #girls #lady #life #friendship #fashion #f21 #zara #taipei #fashionstyle #fun #beauty
Sara Su: #Barcode #friends #friendship #f21 #lady #life #beauty #fashion #fashionstyle #style #koreastyle #girls #taipei #saturdaynite #bar
Sara Su: #Hermes #松菸文創 #date #art #fashion #story #saturday #paris #love #women #life #style
Sara Su: #hermes #bag #fashion #art #story #style #paris #松菸文創 #women #life #love #date #taipei