Viva Lux: photo (6)
Viva Lux: Rare instance of lettering
Viva Lux: Chthonic Nouveau
Viva Lux: I need head not head aches
Viva Lux: no world order
Viva Lux: no world order
Viva Lux: freight goblin
Viva Lux: Tunnel totems
Viva Lux: When are skulls not fun?
Viva Lux: The adventures of Leo Wayfarer and Damu the Kenku assassin: # 22 of 33- Grundy’s tower
Viva Lux: Tag and stencil
Viva Lux: Subterranean Shrines
Viva Lux: Operation: Low Jump
Viva Lux: Unconscious impulses given a likeness
Viva Lux: Life in reverse
Viva Lux: Phoning in some sigils
Viva Lux: Blue is beautiful
Viva Lux: Gutter level occultism a go-go
Viva Lux: Era of the great ruin wars
Viva Lux: Plugging into the Arachno-Ophidian neural net qlippothic consciousness-
Viva Lux: 44th and walnut
Viva Lux: Painting on my friend Yurii's car
Viva Lux: Gray face w/ sigils at the ruins of the Montauk project base
Viva Lux: train cat