mike.tanis: octahedron
Byriah Loper: Bowtie Module: Three Interlocked Rings (Byriah Loper)
Byriah Loper: "Stratosphere" Five Interlocking Dodecahedrically Augmented Tetrahedrically Distorted Hexahedra (Byriah Loper)
origami joel: gold mask
Byriah Loper: Fifteen Interlocking Wrinkled Rhombic Prisms (Byriah Loper)
Owrigami: Assembling the Snub Cube Frame
Owrigami: Assembling the Snub Cube Frame [Inside]
Owrigami: Double Cube Frame
eisfold: Hexagon Twists + Stacked Triangle Twists v2 Tessellation
Praise Pratajev: pythagoras tree
aaronsorigami: 10 Interlocking Hendecahedra - PovRay
Byriah Loper: Two-Piece Santa (Byriah Loper)
Byriah Loper: 24 Interlocking Wrinkled Tetragons (Byriah Loper)
Daniel Kwan: Woven Fourteenth Stellation of the Icosahedron
rgieseking: Ornament
amelija2014: С Днем Додекаэдра!
Byriah Loper: "Hexacrons" Woven Wrinkled Pentakis Dodecahedron v.3 (Byriah Loper)
Byriah Loper: Prism Module Three Intersecting Squares (Byriah Loper)
Byriah Loper: Bones Tessellation (Byriah Loper)
Byriah Loper: Hearty Cuboctahemioctahedron (Byriah Loper)
fdecomite: Following Some Edges of the Snub Icosidodecahedron
Byriah Loper: "Hexecrons" Woven Wrinkled Pentakis Dodecahedron v.2 (Byriah Loper)
Syntopia: Squares
Syntopia: Symmetry
Syntopia: Structure
Syntopia: Pillars
Tomoaki Yano: Truncated icosidodecahedron
Daniel Kwan: Woven Small Triambic Icosahedron: 5-Fold Axis