elisson1: Old-school borscht. It's what's for dinner!
elisson1: Huevos haminados... a new-old treat for the Seder table.
elisson1: Cover illustration for a vintage edition of The New Antoinette Pope School Cookbook... from The Antoinette Pope School of Fancy Cooking in Chicago. This belongs in The Gallery of Regrettable Food, for sure. Check out the fake chickens made of pineapple
elisson1: Charred shishito peppers. (Shut up, Beavis!)
elisson1: The Artful Bagel.
elisson1: Red and grey.
elisson1: The barista has a sense of humor, no? Feel free to write your own punchline.
elisson1: Geography quiz: where are we, that this baleful eye shineth upon us?
elisson1: Time for a cocktail. A Bluecoat gin, perhaps? A Paloma?
elisson1: Good morning! There's a narrow slice of time just before sunrise - perhaps five minutes total - when the sky is painted in orange and rose. Sometimes I'm able to capture it.
elisson1: Boo.
elisson1: Mum's the word.
elisson1: Whether dealing with pumpkins or tomatoes, feel free to use the term "heirloom" as a substitute for "fucking ugly." You can't go wrong.
elisson1: Red Velvet Cake at Alpine Bakery. A regional favorite!
elisson1: Sunset at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.
elisson1: Get up, get up you lazy cat Get up, you lazy sinner We need those sheets for tablecloths - It's almost time for dinner! #catsofinstagram
elisson1: My (early) birthday gift from Jocelyn: my very own PetitFelts needle-felted tiger! Now, what shall I name him? I'm thinking Cuyler, but suggestions are welcome.
elisson1: Rosemary's Baby: a Negroni with muddled rosemary, made with St. George Terroir gin, rosemary sprig garnish. Niiiice.
elisson1: Looka what we found in the Basemental Archive!
elisson1: May Flowers cocktail. Gin, dry vermouth, Chartreuse, crème de violette. (H/T: Ben René)
elisson1: "Are we there yet?" No, Stella, but we're on our way.
elisson1: The Courthouse in the Square, Denton, TX.
elisson1: Patterns in the rock.
elisson1: Woodworking tools at Opus 40.
elisson1: They call me a paintstore cowboy 'Cause I'm painting stables all day...
elisson1: "I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel."
elisson1: "Don't stand there and drool - Kiss me, you fool!"
elisson1: Stella and her Magic Paws Why do we love her? Just because #catsofinstagram
elisson1: Marietta sunset.
elisson1: Drinky art.