fotomie2009 #NoWar: Sant Feliu reflecteix - Girona
jm_villarroya: IMG_50551ts
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: high summer in warwickshire
Raminder Pal Singh: Bhangra Leap
A.J.Pendleton-Lightbox 2008: Floral Bohemian Rhapsody..
Aruna's world: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." John Lennon
evisdotter: Couldn´t find a real one
evisdotter: Kväll i Färjsundet
A.J.Pendleton-Lightbox 2008: Just the Two of Us....
fotomie2009 #NoWar: l'ultima lacrima ...
LHJB Photography : Waiting to bloom...
beegardener: Mountain Wildflowers and Grasses
Riccardo Orti: It's better to be evergreen!
Aruna's world: "We owe the price of our most beautiful minutes to their evanescence... ", Maurice Gagnon, extract of L'écheance
Duvali@-Lat@ (Serge Rolandez): Mouche Syrphe / Diptère Syrphide Episyrphus Balteatus
evisdotter: Klematis
LHJB Photography : When evening falls....
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Day Lily / Hemerocallis z
Riccardo Orti: I love the green...
Riccardo Orti: Mascara!!!
Aruna's world: "Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World and it will one day return there. " The Alchemist, Paolo Coelho