karmajigme: In and out
P.S. ZOELLER: Wahiba Sands III
Qi Bo (Ezio Famà): Umberto D. (film) diretto da Vittorio De Sica, 1952.
Violet Kashi: The Follower
travellingmac: Walk with the Clouds
Violet Kashi: Morning Walk
Violet Kashi: Rainy weather
Thomas Peillon: Lit building
rosiehardy: hideaway
Sebastiano Milardo Ph www.sebastianomilardo.it: ...the man...the dog...and the Saint...
P.U.N.K: Lonely man in the fog and rain
Jacques Monot: bar de nuit
dantcf: 44996 In the suburbs of manchester
Meljoe San Diego: l l i l l l l
Alice Rabasse: Back In Town
Peter.Bartlett: Water Wall
yskark: walk on zebra
atlantex: Testa o croce
ancama_99(toni): Barcelona. Recordant altres nevadas.-