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Northwestern California by Ruby 2417
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Ruby 2417
Fort Bragg, Ca. 2012
Ruby 2417
Mendocino, 2012
Ruby 2417
Fort Bragg Botanical Gardens, Oct. 2012
Ruby 2417
Sunset, Bodega Bay. Feb. 2012
Ruby 2417
Fort Bragg Botanical Gardens, Dahlia Garden. 10-2012
Ruby 2417
Painted Lady butterfly in the Dahlia garde. Ft. Bragg botanical garden, Oct. 2012.
Ruby 2417
mendocino 2 1012
Ruby 2417
mendocino 4 2012
Ruby 2417
pt arena 3 1012
Ruby 2417
pt arena 2 1012
Ruby 2417
Point Arena 10-12
Ruby 2417
mendicino 15 1012
Ruby 2417
Seaweed. Mendocino, CA. Oct. 2012.
Ruby 2417
Mendocino evening. 10-12
Ruby 2417
mendocino 13 1012
Ruby 2417
Forest Floor, Autumn. Bothe-Napa State Park, Oct. 2016
Ruby 2417
Point Reyes Lighthouse Path. Jan. 2017
Ruby 2417
Mt. Tamalpaias, seen from RIng Mountain Reserve. Oct. 2016
Ruby 2417
Tule Elk Grazing. Point Reyes, Late Afternoon, Jan. 2017
Ruby 2417
Tule Elk, Grazing. Point Reyes, January 2017
Ruby 2417
Two Tule Elk - cerbus canadansis nannodes. Late Afternoon, Point Reyes. Jan. 2017
Ruby 2417
Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus). Sebastopol, Sept. 16
Ruby 2417
Mylitta Crescent butterfly - phyciodes mylitta. Bodega Bay, Sept. '16
Ruby 2417
Common Buckey Butterfly, Santa Rosa Aug. '16
Ruby 2417
Common Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), Santa Rosa, aug. '16
Ruby 2417
Tule Bluet damselfly - Enallagma carunculatum. Santa Rosa, 8-16
Ruby 2417
Common Buckeye butterfly, Santa Rosa, 0816
Ruby 2417
Firey Skipper. Santa Rosa, August 2016
Ruby 2417
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly. Santa Rosa, August 2016
Ruby 2417
Pacific Forktail Damselfly (female). Santa Rosa, August 2016
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