Ruby 2417: Beetle and Jimson flower, Davis 0816
Ruby 2417: Spidery Orchid. Huntington Gardens, Pasadena, 0117
Ruby 2417: Pitcher Orchids. LAC Arboretum. 0117
Ruby 2417: Orchid. LAC Arboretum. Jan. 2016
Ruby 2417: Orange Grove. LAC Arboretum, 0117
Ruby 2417: Desert Garden. Huntington Gardens, Pasadena. 0117
Ruby 2417: Redwoods @Bothe-Napa State Park, 10-16
Ruby 2417: Huge Leaf. Huntington Gardens, Pasadena. 0117
Ruby 2417: Dripping Pollen. Huntinogton Gardens, Pasadena. 0117
Ruby 2417: Dome Reflected in Water Drop on Leaf. San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers, Jan. 2017
Ruby 2417: Suguaro National Park East, Tucson. 5/15
Ruby 2417: Suguaro National Park East, Tucson. 5/16
Ruby 2417: Pitcher Plants, Quoddy Head Maine 9/15
Ruby 2417: Spring Bloom, Joshua Tree 3/16
Ruby 2417: Joshua Tree NP
Ruby 2417: Paige Meadows, June 2016
Ruby 2417: SD balboa 5 1212
Ruby 2417: Seaweed. Mendocino, CA. Oct. 2012.
Ruby 2417: Painted Lady butterfly in the Dahlia garde. Ft. Bragg botanical garden, Oct. 2012.
Ruby 2417: Fort Bragg Botanical Gardens, Dahlia Garden. 10-2012
Ruby 2417: Fort Bragg, Ca. 2012
Ruby 2417: Help me identify this wildflower? (Four years later, I think it's a Sun Spurge.)
Ruby 2417: Wallace's Wooly Daisy (antheropeas wallacei), Joshua Tree 3-16
Ruby 2417: Sagebrush Mariposa Tulip (calochortus macrocarpus). John Day Fossil Beds, Or. June 2016.
Ruby 2417: Parry's Cane Cholla (opuntia parryi) is my best guess. Tucson area, April 2014.
Ruby 2417: Prickly pear cactus flower - possibly Indian Fig/opuntia ficus-indica. Tucson, 4/2014.
Ruby 2417: Suguaro cactus flower, Tucson area.
Ruby 2417: Arroyo lupine, lupinus succulentus. Putah Creek Preserve, March 2017.
Ruby 2417: "Turkey tail" bracket fungus. Davis, Ca. April 2017.
Ruby 2417: Ant traversing a huge flower. UC Davis Arboretum, 4-2017.