shushphoto: The A1 (M) at Ferrybridge...
mr_snipsnap: Grey Seal Mother With Her Pup
Northern Snapper: Sunset over Eigg
Jill Lewins LRPS: Blackening weather
diggleken: Red Fox
ErikGrossPhoto: After the storm
Northern Snapper: Light Shower
meghimeg: Quotidianità
meghimeg: Un apostrofo rosa
meghimeg: Piccolo mondo antico
meghimeg: Happy macro birthday
Blueishy: New Skin
meghimeg: Ecco qua
ajpscs: OUT OF TIME
Mark Buchan Jones: Ethereal Blue
guzmania*: magnolias
diggleken: Scarlet Elfcups - Sarcoscypha austriaca
diggleken: Nuthatch - Sitta europaea
diggleken: Black Poplar
diggleken: Reindeer Lichen - Cladonia portentosa
Joan's Pics 2012: Orange Peel Fungus Aleuria aurantia
Joan's Pics 2012: Blue Roundhead Stropharia caerulea
Joan's Pics 2012: Collared Earthstar Geastrum triplex
Joan's Pics 2012: Penmon Point Lighthouse
Joan's Pics 2012: Robin Erithacus rubecula
Joan's Pics 2012: Pleated Inkcap Parasola plicatilis (Coprinus auricomus)
Joan's Pics 2012: Smoky Bracket Bjerkandera adusta