Yvonne Nielsen: Rødplettet blåfugl (Brown Argus / Aricia agestis)
Yvonne Nielsen: Carpocoris mediterraneus ssp. atlanticus (Carpocoris mediterraneus ssp. atlanticus / Carpocoris mediterraneus ssp. atlanticus)
Yvonne Nielsen: Libelloides Longicornis (Libelloides Longicornis / Libelloides Longicornis)
Yvonne Nielsen: Nældens takvinge (Small Tortoiseshell / Aglais urticae)
rosiebuckland1: Red Rose and Raindrops
Closet Scot: Common Phesant--5706
quietpurplehaze07: found in my archive
Bob Eade: Silver-studded Blue (Plebejus argus).
orbed: Five a Day Keeps Anyone Away
Yvonne Nielsen: Dukatsommerfugl (Scarce Copper / Lycaena virgaureae)
Yvonne Nielsen: Engperlemorsommerfugl (Lesser Marbled Fritillary / Brenthis ino)
Lesley~B: wet hot chile peppers
Yvonne Nielsen: Kejserkåbe (Silver-washed Fritillary / Argynnis paphia)
Yvonne Nielsen: Iberisk skakbrætrandøje (Iberian Marbled White / Melanargia lachesis)
judith.kuhn: a new day at the old castle
V A N D E E: 8 Cherries
donalols: 2024-2_P6A4717 Branches
Yvonne Nielsen: Stor bredpande (Large Skipper / Ochlodes sylvanus)
quietpurplehaze07: winter woollies
Photo Alan: Sea and Clouds
jolajagielska86: DSC_8413 Sunset.Poland.
ζoetrope: Cobb sunrise
quietpurplehaze07: at the edge of the field
Bob Eade: Eurasion Otter (Lutra lutra).
Mireille L.: MM - Red dots