George Kurzik: Flutter
....Daniel....: Silver "stunning" blue.
johnhallmen: Chrysotoxum festivum
 BlezSP: Itaballia demophile
 BlezSP: Four Spotted Sailor - Dynamine postverta
Antonio Camelo: “Somos libres: libres como las barcas perdidas en el mar.” ―John Dos Passos
 BlezSP: Splendid Cruiser - Macromia splendens (Pictet, 1843)
Santiago M.C.: Smerintus ocellatus
all one thing: "Come fly with me!" .... and she did
Ishmaanay: Continental Large Four-Lineblue (Male)
Canto Photography: Bosques de nieblas - Algeciras
punkbirdr: pan-pod
Javier Replinger: estambre 12X
J. P. S.: Estigma Hibisco rosa-sinensis
J. P. S.: Escamas de mariposa
Dgueza: En el Camino
Navicore: More Leonid Meteor
Black Jungle: P1050009
Javier Replinger: huevos gusano de seda
Javier Replinger: Ácaros de tarentola mauritánica
Tracko/GSC!: MLS Gravity Bike
Manuma ♥: (26) Gracias a tod@s! ... os amo! ♥
Fardels.: ANT LEAP - SALTO DE HORMIGA - ***CSHOT*** caborian (subforo macro)
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Trees cocooned in spider webs, an unexpected side effect of the flooding in Sindh, Pakistan
TritonB7: PC Project (Ergo Proxy) 0001
Alfredo Oliva Delgado: Hacia el Faro
paul heaston: panorama final 13