Jane Statham: A Scarlet Pimpernel flower ~ Anagallis arvensis.
Jane Statham: Macro Mondays - Label.
Jane Statham: Myrtle-leaf milkwort flowers ~ Polygala myrtifolia.
Jane Statham: 2020: one photo each day. 168/366 Another one.
Jane Statham: Almost finished !
Jane Statham: Happy Tree-mendous Tuesday
Jane Statham: {ID Given} Candidissima ~ Deutzia scabra blossom.
Jane Statham: 2020: one photo each day. 169/366 "It's my Birthday photo."
Jane Statham: A White Agapanthus.
Jane Statham: {ID Given}. Chinese anemone ~ Anemone hupehensis.
Jane Statham: {ID Given}. Chinese anemone ~ Anemone hupehensis.
Jane Statham: 2020: one photo each day. 170/366 "It's raining, Mum."
Jane Statham: {ID Given}. Italian strawflower ~ Helichrysum italicum.
Jane Statham: Beautiful bug botty Thursday.
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: 2020: one photo each day. 171/366 A float, but no boat.
Jane Statham: {ID Given}. Feverfew ~ Tanacetum parthenium.
Jane Statham: Step in time.
Jane Statham: In a front garden.
Jane Statham: Aggie and a fly.
Jane Statham: 2020: one photo each day. 172/366 Getting to know Daisy.
Jane Statham: A Red Admiral.
Jane Statham: Hydrangeas.
Jane Statham: Looking down.
Jane Statham: Just lovely.
Jane Statham: 2020: one photo each day. 173/366 Self-heal or All-heal ~ Prunella.
Jane Statham: Caramel toffees.
Jane Statham: La maison d'Armorine.
Jane Statham: Behind the old supermarket.
Jane Statham: 2020: one photo each day. 174/366 Summertime colours.