Stexi: IMG_4637
Stexi: IMG_4988
Stexi: IMG_4978
Stexi: In cold autumn sunset
Stexi: IMG_0291
_Nezemnaya_: Neon fimo in my new Christmas tree lights
annaszente: Naplemente
Stexi: Starry Night
Stexi: Water
Stexi: Lens Flare
Stexi: Heart bokeh
Andi-Ildiko: Körbe-körbe
fotobarat5: Vásárhelyi kisleány
annaszente: Ess eső,ess...
philb1959: Trees in the Sunset
josh.hofer: Umstead State Park
helenoftheways: Bird on windowsill
DaveKav: The Birks Of Aberfeldy
Maureen Sullivan.: Look up! She's taking our picture!
Nancy Rose: When all`s said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So it`s not so much which road you take, as how you take it.
kitskel: Path to Penmon
iacubs: otoño, aire y luz
raznicu2010: urban sunset 3
m6sport™: Urban agriculture
photogg19: green
Duncan George: Solitude
COBER65: Flor de Almendro
Duncan George: Primordial
snakeiboy: Természet