cydeng: 夜景
hehaden: Golden haze (Explored)
zstas56: Short life of a pencil
Julia Martin Photography: The Silver Ribbon. Explore #6
Mistah_Grape: Helvetestinden
andiwolfe: EXPLORED: Solar Eclipse 2017
Mr F1: Down the Hatch
Bill Bowman: The Full Cycle: Solar Eclipse 2017
Dylan Toh: Stormfront
TOONMAN_blchin: Singapore City
crazytony55: DSC_1152
nans0410(busy): 茶道天道(DSC_1409)
Bastian.K: Last train - Bastian Kratzke
duartesol: Machico Bay
Andrew Thomas 73: Loch Duich @ sunrise
Vincent_Ting: Star trails, Mountain Hehuan 合歡山星軌
Sandra Herber: Night Storm II
Estrella Chuang 心星: Taiwan Balloon Festival ~台灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
tsanchezruiz: El Domador de Auroras
TatjanaKa: Field of Flowers
Jonathan Tasler: Bond Bridge Laser Show
Alan Short UK: Loch leven sunset
andreassofus: Tranquility