philbutlerphoto: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk
philbutlerphoto: Sun Squirrel
philbutlerphoto: Waxwing with Red Buds
philbutlerphoto: Yellow Crowned Night Heron
philbutlerphoto: Male Wood Duck Display on Water
philbutlerphoto: Seeing Double
philbutlerphoto: Missed Breakfast
philbutlerphoto: Yellow Rumped Warbler
philbutlerphoto: Red-tailed Hawk Portrait
philbutlerphoto: What's So Funny?
philbutlerphoto: Things That Make You Go Hmmm
philbutlerphoto: American Kestrel with Prey
philbutlerphoto: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
philbutlerphoto: Gray Fox up in a Tree
philbutlerphoto: No Such thing as a Free Lunch
philbutlerphoto: Spectacled Owl Portrait
philbutlerphoto: Find your Forest
philbutlerphoto: Belted Kingfisher
philbutlerphoto: Juvenile Redtail In Flight
philbutlerphoto: Morraine Lake
philbutlerphoto: American Pika
philbutlerphoto: Icefields Parkway
philbutlerphoto: Female Common Goldeneye
philbutlerphoto: Scruffy Grey Jay
philbutlerphoto: You'll Do Well to See a Pine Martin
philbutlerphoto: Ice Explorer on the Athabasca Glacier
philbutlerphoto: Athabasca Glacier
philbutlerphoto: Mountain Goat Portrait
philbutlerphoto: Mountain Goat Family
philbutlerphoto: Bull Elk having a snack