Artem Honchariuk: Platycerium bifurcatum
Yagoda.: We.
Yagoda.: -bi-bi
Yagoda.: Vanya's friend. Carrot which name is Petya.
Yagoda.: -Lisa.
Yagoda.: Too sunny. =)
Yagoda.: Eva and Adam.
Yagoda.: Jump
Yagoda.: Witch.
☮freedom☮: to learn from past mistakes, remember to look back at things from a different angle.
Artem Honchariuk: Tillandsia dyeriana
CasualFriday2011: бай-бай...
CasualFriday2011: Ла симметрия
Yagoda.: I'm tired,mom!
Yagoda.: 9188.
Yagoda.: Baby boy.
nebm51: 156
Sexecutioner: Schabrackentapir / Malayan Tapir / Asian Tapir (Tapirus indicus)
NatalyaBrezgina: тапир
shirley_turner: Лица, лица...-3
shirley_turner: San Diego Zoo - 2. The ugliest animal of Zoo
poditty444: Midgy & Buster
librariansarah: Ficus bonsai forest
kevin dooley: I don't normally do this
estherase: burning bright
xerantheum: Nepenthes maxima
Ellen Bulger: "Cornus kousa"
Ellen Bulger: Just You Wait (a glimpse of spring)
andy thanh nguyen orchids: Paphiopedilum Hirsutissimum