way of clay: structure 40
way of clay: street life - variation 1
way of clay: feathery black - necklace
way of clay: City Skies - flexible bangle
way of clay: City Skies - flexible bangle
way of clay: City Sunrise - flexible bangle
way of clay: In the gap - pendant
way of clay: W4: squares
way of clay: W7: lightening grey
way of clay: W8: distant grey
way of clay: asian moon
artybecca: Rainforest Circus
Lucy Struncova: Tutorial for Czextruder cane with rainbow polkadots
bounty_gg: Extruder + Ruffle Icing Tip
Orson's World: spotty set
Orson's World: 1 of few
Orson's World: (I'm) six and a half
MargitB.: Curves
bounty_gg: Reducing Bullseye Cane using cupcake decorating tips
Fimozyna: 14.11 bis
Fimozyna: 14.23
Maria Petkova (vokade): The violets on my window
Maria Petkova (vokade): Lesson "Painted with mokume gane"
Maria Petkova (vokade): Tutorial "Lazy contour"
Orson's World: left: Noli turbare circulos meos right: just saving leftovers
artybecca: Mossy Circus beads
Silvia Ortiz de la Torre: Equinoccio de Primavera
Silvia Ortiz de la Torre: Solsticio de Verano
Shay Aaron: Making an Aubergine Cane