Cascavel1: Young Male Banded Rock Rattlesnake
Kyle L.E.: Agkistrodon piscivorous leucostoma (Western Cottonmouth)
Cameraeye T6S: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
loupiote (Old Skool) pro: DSC02158 - Head of Pacific Gopher Snake
loupiote (Old Skool) pro: DSC02140 - Pacific Gopher Snake
Ron Kube Photography: Rough-legged Hawk DSC_7530
J. Maughn: California Mountain King Snake, Lampropeltis zonata
J. Maughn: California Mountain King Snake, Lampropeltis zonata
rjadams55: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake. Mar 24, 2012, Carrizo Plains NM, San Luis Obispo Co., CA
Nick Scobel: Florida Cottonmouth
rjadams55: Ponderosa Pines (Pinus ponderosa). Feb 26, 2012, Henry Coe SP, Santa Clara Co., CA (6)
flygrl67: Pinnacles11FEB2010-228
Wild Valley Photos: Mule Deer Buck
Wild Valley Photos: Mule Deer Buck
Wild Valley Photos: Bald Eagle
truan: Mule Deer Bucks
Beth Sargent: 1st Hawk
Brandohl Photography [Wendy]: Snake @CBBR - IMG_3841 60D
Kevin Stohlgren: Pantherophis obsoletus quadrivittatus (Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata)
Nick Esquivel: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
debraturner: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
Nick Esquivel: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
Helleri: Panamint Rattlesnake
photographerp: Water Moccasin aka Cottonmouth
photographerp: Water Mocassin aka Cottonmouth
photographerp: Cottonmouth aka Water Moccasin
hereinmalibu: gopher snake up at the barn
hereinmalibu: gopher snake up at the barn