Ferocious J: Best bike rack or greatest bike rack?
Ferocious J: Heisenberg? Never heard of him.
Ferocious J: This arrived in the mail addressed to me specifically, and I don't know whether I have more questions or Asian jokes
Ferocious J: Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who smiles at your dumbest jokes. Date a girl with strange nutritional requirements. Date a girl who has tendrils with drops of sticky enzymes on their tips. Date a girl who lures flies onto her leaf surfaces and snares
Ferocious J: What's the Gallifreyan for "dedication"? #latergram
Ferocious J: I'm guessing this doesn't stand for "digital rights management," but its actual meaning is no more apparent, either
Ferocious J: Attention @finchlinden and @keightdee: your superhero team is waiting
Ferocious J: Today I met the cat version of Ron Swanson. #latergram
Ferocious J: Hometown pride, y'all
Ferocious J: Important Style Update: having given "John Cho hair" a try as of the last haircut, it may be sticking around. Photo taken by @keightdee #latergram
Ferocious J: You crazy for this one, Pepperidge Farm (note: there is a very real risk I may end up eating the entire box in one sitting)
Ferocious J: For a second I thought this was just one flier, but it makes the same amount of sense either way, let's be honest here
Ferocious J: Who wants a key to the city? #nofilter
Ferocious J: The single greatest car sticker I have ever seen, which if you know my car is saying a whole lot.
Ferocious J: Adventure time with Finn & Jake -- I mean @finchlinden & @keightdee -- means even I get a good picture in occasionally.
Ferocious J: I'm swapping out "the pope hat" as a personal nickname for this church in favor of "Cherno Alpha" #sorrynotsorry
Ferocious J: Some kind of animal on me, need advice, send help
Ferocious J: Weekend plans.
Ferocious J: 'Sup, Carlos? It seems kind of weird to anthropomorphize your vegetables like this, but what do I know?
Ferocious J: This was actually the most baffling thing I saw at Comic Con, at the bookstore by the mall food court. In case it's unreadable, it's a sign advertising this cardboard Gandalf, written in ... Klingon.
Ferocious J: I am now the proud owner of an original Amanda Visell piece that speaks to the core of the human or Klingon soul thanks to @deadzebrainc
Ferocious J: Giant Axe Cop had a rough morning, everybody #latergram
Ferocious J: A textbook example of subspecies Amanita muscaria richmondii, an urban fungus endemic to the side streets off Clement
Ferocious J: Kaiju patrol.
Ferocious J: So ... come here often?
Ferocious J: I have a lot of questions and precious few answers here
Ferocious J: Note to literally all other businesses: step up your diversification game