Control Room
~~CSaturn~~: Control Panel
MMR Dad: The Old Control Room
Fauxaddress - Edward: Buffalo NY's Central Terminal
lizstless: Buffalo Train Station
Fauxaddress - Edward: Buffalo NY's Central Terminal
MusicRevisited: Buffalo's Rails
MusicRevisited: Control Panel
MusicRevisited: Unfinished Business
MusicRevisited: Second Floor Table
ovondrak: Dispatching office, second floor
ovondrak: Dispatching office, second floor
ovondrak: Dispatching office, second floor
ovondrak: Dispatching office, second floor - 1997
Christina Laing: The crew.
Panhandle Prince: 'Buffalo'-Sized Rendition:
Mike Puma: BCT-0947
Auchlander: Buffalo Terminal
Auchlander: Buffalo Terminal entry
Auchlander: Buffalo dinosaurs
JuneNY: Buffalo Central Terminal: Movie Being Shot
JuneNY: Buffalo Central Terminal :Movie Being Filmed (FOREVER IN TIME)