::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Sitting in the shade with my tunnocks teacake cross stitch. Couldn't wait for my hols next week to start it and besides the weather up here has been glorious all week. Too glorious for anything more than crafting and reading in the garden.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Baking chocolate cake today and realising my eldest is even messier in the kitchen than I am.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Whipped up a Bourbon needlebook yesterday to put my crossstitch needles in. I thought a biscuit needlebook would be perfect along side the Tunnocks teacake pattern I'll be stitching on my hols.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: It's pissing it down today and although I love a bit of rain and I think my teeny garden looks grand, Thursday is my day to go for a walk with my MIL. My boys are not going to want to go out in this either!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Look at these bunny frocks from Little Cotton Rabbits. Had to buy these patterns.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Just under two weeks till we go glamping up on the stunning West Coast of Scotland and I don't know about you but working out your crafting whilst there is high on the list of priorities. I love putting sense memories in my crafts too so in years to come
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Making meatballs. Yu-um!!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: From yesterday - frolicking at South Queensferry after a Fish 'n' Chips lunch celebrating the start of the summer hols. Love how it looks like my boys are chucking massive boulders at each other when they were actually smashing them onto larger boulders.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Struggling to keep my eyes open quilting tonight....must put down the needle and hoop and go to bed soon. *bagpuss yawn*
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Last school packed lunch I have to prepare for more than seven whole weeks. *sigh* One more sleep to the summer hols!!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: I so made pencil biscuits for teacher gifts. Can you tell how chuffed I am with myself. Feel I have earned the title of 'Biscuiteer' now. Earned those (iced) stripes!!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Had planned on giving my boys' teachers apple pincushions this year but couldn't do it as really, these felt apple brooches I sell, are the perfect gift.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Doing housework in my jimjams means I'm braless = wobbly torpedo boobs alert. Oh deary me. Once upon a time I was braless and pert. Then I had children and aged. Thank goodness for bras!!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Very smitten with this pear fabric that came today. Will look fab as a Ohio star flower in the lap quilt I am making my lovely mother in law. Oh and below it is a charm pack of Riley Blake classics (chevrons and dots and gingham scrumminess) Happy haggis
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Designing/calculating His 'n' Hers lap quilts for my parents in law. Giving myself plenty of sewing time before Christmas cause I'm boring like that.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Making a mess even though all I'm doing is working out how much wadding I need to order for my hexie quilt. That there sewing machine is calling too but I confess I am still slightly hungover from Saturday night. Cannae be doing with sewing today. Worst h
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: The perfect antidote to an hour on the laptop online banking. Urgh!! Gorgeous scrummy fabric from the fab @misformake. Stash gathering for Christmas pressie quilts.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Would love this bundle to come live with me @acraftyfox_amanda (who is holding yet another spectacular giveaway). Fingers crossed I can #givebriarroseahome
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Have to stop playing with this to make pizza sauce...I wonder if I am making the same moody puss face my boys make when they have to come in for dinner?
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Damn you drizzle! Was hoping to get this quilt out to dry for a bit before any rain today. Fail!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Hoping to finish hand quilting this cot quilt today, almost there.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Rhubarb & Ginger jam. So lovely. Will now have to track down more of the pink and green loveliness.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Pretty rhubarb - making a couple of jars of jam this morn.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Made some extra Empires to keep the menfolk happy when they cannae munch munchstaches.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Finally got round to using the cookie cutters the lovely @coffee_kisses gifted me. Couldnae be bothered piping and flooding so went for mad piped hair. I fear I will be dying my fiend's mouth brown and black, eek!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Supposed to be starting to turn this lot into a cot quilt this morn but the sun is out. Prob not for long and it's still a bit on the chilly side but here in Scotland you take it where you can!
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: Finished my LCR boy bunny today. Miss Maggie has taken him under her wing until he leaves when my friend's baby arrives, (due on Wednesday). Will have to make Miss M a wee 'for keeps' friend.
::cupcakesandbiscuits@jammypudding::: This bed won't be empty tonight as my eldest is back from his P7 camp today. He's been gone since Monday morn. :( Four weeks today till the summer hols start and Primary school ends for him. :) Oh and the sun is shining again so happy happy day all round