sharp#7: Rubatan @ Siagon market
sharp#7: magasteen , Siagon market
sharp#7: Tj and me at Siagon Hotel
sharp#7: TJ and the girls from our group
sharp#7: Coming into Siagon
sharp#7: Happy Buddas Temple
sharp#7: Happy Budda
sharp#7: Drying rice paper
sharp#7: Hotter than hell
sharp#7: our 83 year olds, Mary , Ian and old man we visited his home
sharp#7: Lyle in his new hat
sharp#7: water lillys in the river
sharp#7: Clay pots make in factory
sharp#7: firing ovens for pots
sharp#7: home of Chinese man, from the movie "The Lovers" a must see
sharp#7: One of the boats that took us to shore
sharp#7: boat on river
sharp#7: A little scary walkway from boat to shore
sharp#7: Floating market, selling ice
sharp#7: a view in cambodia
sharp#7: Cambodia Vietnam trip 069
sharp#7: Cambodia Vietnam trip 066
sharp#7: the Killing Field
sharp#7: Cambodia Vietnam trip 057
sharp#7: Ox cart ride, such fun
sharp#7: Cambodia Vietnam trip 052
sharp#7: Lady making clay pot
sharp#7: Every morning breakfast
sharp#7: evening on the river boat
sharp#7: Cambodia Vietnam trip 042