Chuck Haacker: Andi requested to be a Pink Butterfly
Chuck Haacker: Our girl is a Pink Butterfly
Chuck Haacker: Waiting for the show to start
Chuck Haacker: Andi's Third-Ever Pony Ride!
Chuck Haacker: The soccer player, Spiderman, and the Butterfly all floating together.
Chuck Haacker: Andi has her own toboggan run down the front steps
Chuck Haacker: Removing Ice Ornaments from the Molds
Chuck Haacker: Daddy hangs Ice Ornaments because he's taller
Chuck Haacker: Ice Ornament
Chuck Haacker: Andi LOVES her an Augmented Reality Sandbox
Chuck Haacker: Andi LOVES her an Augmented Reality Sandbox
Chuck Haacker: HI! My name is ANDI! What's YOUR name?
Chuck Haacker: Snow Bunny Trekking the Vast White
Chuck Haacker: I am writing Daddy's name in the snow
Chuck Haacker: Daddy always wore this frog on HIS head...
Chuck Haacker: Daddy always wore this frog on HIS head...
Chuck Haacker: Daddy always wore this frog on HIS head...
Chuck Haacker: Daddy always wore this frog on HIS head...
Chuck Haacker: The Frog, with Andi's Daddy, 2008 (yes, 2 hats + 1 frog)
Chuck Haacker: I love my daddy sooo much
Chuck Haacker: Did we mention the puppet show?
Chuck Haacker: Erosion Table. Matt and Andi are the rainmakers, watching the effect.
Chuck Haacker: The obligatory 51-cent smooshed penny
Chuck Haacker: PIGS! IN! SPAAAAAAAAACE!! (Andi chose the costume, the backdrop was just there...for old Muppet Show aficionadi it was a natural.)
Chuck Haacker: Robert? We have TALKED about this...
Chuck Haacker: All babies look like Churchill.
Chuck Haacker: The Right Honorable Sir Winston Churchill, portrait by Yousuf Karsh 1941
Chuck Haacker: Sir Andromeda Churchill (2018 version)
Chuck Haacker: Hallowe'en 2018, Witches Brew