Chuck Haacker: The Great Hall of the Pachyderms
Chuck Haacker: Title Slide
Chuck Haacker: Ancient and Modern
Chuck Haacker: Two Modern African Male Elephants
Chuck Haacker: Adult Bull African Elephant
Chuck Haacker: Adolescent Bull African Elephant
Chuck Haacker: The African Elephants from inside the hall, shadows too dark (see next slide)
Chuck Haacker: Revised African Elephants from inside the hall
Chuck Haacker: Title Slide
Chuck Haacker: Pexels-Philipp-Schwarz-469323741-19294855-edited cgh
Chuck Haacker: COMPOSITE Pexels-Philipp-Schwarz-469323741-19294855-Edit-Edit-composited with one of my own pictures.
Chuck Haacker: These are the Morrill Hall pachyderms, a pair of male African elephants that probably were murdered 100 years or more ago. I hoped to restore them to imagined "life" by putting them back on the veld in the previous picture.
Chuck Haacker: Title Slide
Chuck Haacker: Archie guards the Entrance
Chuck Haacker: Archie guards the Entrance
Chuck Haacker: Title Slide
Chuck Haacker: Proud Lions
Chuck Haacker: Female African Lion
Chuck Haacker: Male African Lion
Chuck Haacker: Asian Tiger (Panthera tigris)
Chuck Haacker: Faded Grévy's Zebra (Equus grevyi)
Chuck Haacker: Closeup of Grévy's Zebra Eyelashes (these would have been made of another fiber by the taxidermist).
Chuck Haacker: Hi there hey there ho there, mate! (Gerenuk)
Chuck Haacker: IMPALA! (No, not the car!)
Chuck Haacker: South African Ellipsen Waterbuck (Kobus Ellipsiprymnus)
Chuck Haacker: South African Ellipsen Waterbuck, oblique view
Chuck Haacker: My dearest pals, the Social Hartebeests
Chuck Haacker: Social Hartebeest
Chuck Haacker: And here they are, the Fabulous HARTEbeests!
Chuck Haacker: Pronghorn Antelope