Njtexas: Kailea in her pink bikini
Njtexas: Kailea with her hula gear
Njtexas: Kailea
Njtexas: Trio of trees
Njtexas: Katie Beth and Sparky
Njtexas: Mini Ami
Njtexas: Raggedy Ann with a mokey doll
Njtexas: Raggedy Ann with a monkey doll
Njtexas: Crocheted twins
Njtexas: Raggedy Ann with the twins
Njtexas: Raggedy Ann with a cat
Njtexas: Raggedy Ann with a little lamby
Njtexas: Silly Girl
Njtexas: Tea Time
Njtexas: Tea Time
Njtexas: Turtle
Njtexas: Ami cupcakes
Njtexas: Fern, Chip and Art
Njtexas: BFF Cactus
Njtexas: Grandma's House
Njtexas: Grandma's House
Njtexas: Day at the lake
Njtexas: Day at the lake
Njtexas: Day at the lake
Njtexas: Maddy
Njtexas: DSCF2385
Njtexas: Dee 4
Njtexas: Dee 6
Njtexas: Dee 2
Njtexas: Dee 1